Kobold Tribes Wiki
Pic campfire

Kobolds huddle around a campfire for warmth.

A campfire requires 1 wood and 1 lumber to construct. 

Campfires provide many basic functions to a kobold tribe, and are one of the first buildings to be constructed in any game. A campfire is a common building, allowing all members of the controlling tribe to use its functions. Passive abilities of the campfire include:

  • Provide light during the nighttime, scaring away wild animals.
  • Allow players to cook food over the fire
  • During nighttime and periods of extreme cold, the fire provides warmth to nearby players

In addition to its passive functions, there are several abilities a player can take advantage of to utilize the campfire they have constructed.


Light Campfire[]

Icon lightcampfire
Info lightcampfire


Light Torch[]

Info lighttorch
Icon lighttorch

Douse Fire[]

Icon dousefire
Info dousefire

Tips and Tricks[]

Douse your campfire just before dawn when you are in forward position. The enemy tribe can spot your smoke from afar, and you never know when they might have a talented forager on lookout.
